
by Marshall Hughey

Connections 2THE BODY HUMAN
There are things at work in the universe much larger than you and I.  A connection that binds us all together is one of these things. The idea that we are all connected is not a new one.  How many times have you heard that we’re all brothers and sisters under the skin?  That we all descended from the same common ancestors; and therefore we should be just one big happy family.

Well, I’m not talking about our distant familial relationship.  This connection is about something a little more esoteric than that, but still just as real.  I am referring to an invisible connection that binds us all together, through divine purpose and interpersonal communication.

It’s something that we refer to as the ‘Plexus’.  For the sake of this discussion, think of the Plexus as a large intangible mesh covering the entire world.  This mesh consists of interlaced strands of divine purpose connecting each of us to one another.

This connection – this interwoven relationship – links each of us together to form an even greater whole.  You are individually representative of the universe in microcosm, joined together by divine purpose and within the Plexus, you exist as a part of all that is.

Why does any of this matter?  Because once you understand the Plexus and your role in it, the sooner you can begin to consciously access the power of it, and put it to use for your good.

In the human body there are many plexuses.  In fact, the term plexus is most often used in medical or anatomical text to refer to an intricate network of nerves or blood vessels.  Millions upon million of bits of information are transferred from one cell to the next within your plexuses.  This information serves your body, and makes all of its functions possible.

Since the physical creation of men and women neural networks and plexuses have been serving our bodies.  For centuries of existence this internal design carried out its unique purpose undetected by mankind.

It’s interesting to note that just because early man did not understand the internal workings of the body, did not mean that these plexuses were nonexistent; it only meant that they had not yet been discovered.  Man’s internal plexuses carried on their work just the same, hidden away in the unseen.  For all intents and purposes these plexuses and their internal workings were invisible to ancient man.  Again, this did not make them any less real, only undiscovered.

When you look deep within, you will find answers for all that is outside of you.  Yes, the Plexus which connects all of us, appears to be invisible, it is hidden away in the unseen, but it does not make it any less real.

If this notion of some invisible force connecting all of us to one another seems a little too far fetched for you… then how do you feel about gravity?  Gravity is considered to be one of the greatest forces in the universe, and yet it is ‘invisible’ it is unseen, but there’s no denying the fact that gravity is very real.  If you are ever in doubt… step off a ladder incorrectly and you will be quickly reminded that the unseen force of gravity is your constant companion.

The Plexus is similar to gravity, in that it is always with you.  You are already connected to it, and just as there is nothing you have to do to be affected by gravity, there is nothing you have to do to be affected by the Plexus.

This is only meant to be an overview of the Plexus to awaken your mind to the idea of it… and really many of you already know this is so – you’ve just never put a name to it – or thoroughly defined it.

The Plexus is a blessing to all of us when used properly, however if ignored or if we attempt to force our own dominant will against the laws that govern the principles of it, there are consequences… not unlike those of stepping off the ladder in the wrong way.

This article is part of a series of entries designed to explain the Plexus and how to begin making use of it.  It is certainly not meant to teach everything regarding the Plexus, it is enough for now to know that it exists, you are a part of it, and it serves the body of mankind.

July 24, 2009 Posted by | Economy | , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment